Records, Statistics and Monitoring
22. The Company will operate systems for recording, analysis and presentation of information about accidents, hazard situations and untoward occurrences. Advice on systems will be provided by the Safety Officer, in conjunction, where appropriate with specialist advisory bodies for example local Environmental Health Departments, and the responsibility for the operation of these systems rests with managers and supervisors at all levels. Information obtained from the analysis of accident statistics must be acted upon and, where necessary, bids for additional expenditure made to the Chief Executive.
Reports to the Health and Safety Executive
23. The responsibility for meeting the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985 (RIDDOR) to the Health and Safety Executive, shall rest with the Chief Executive as delegated to the Safety Officer.
Specialist Advisory Bodies
24. Certain bodies and the individual members of those bodies, have always had a Health and Safety role, most notably, the Health & Safety executive, or local Environmental Health Departments. If further specialist advice is required, this may be obtained by Managers from expert individuals or bodies outside the Company.
The Occupational Health Service
25. It is the policy of the Company to obtain independent Occupational Health advice when required. Such services can include counselling on health and associated matters, investigation of hazards and accidents, environment studies, health interviews and employment medicals.
First Aid
26. It is the policy of the Company to make provision for First Aid and the training of & First Aiders & in accordance with the First Aid Regulations (1982). The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring the Regulations are implemented and for identifying training needs.
27. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that the staff receive adequate fire training, and that nominated fire officers are designated in all Dr.PAWPAW premises. The Chief Executive delegates these responsibilities to the Directors.
28. In addition the Company will nominate a Fire Officer (this may be the Safety Officer or someone external to the Company) who will: report and advise on the standard of fire safety in the Company& premises and the standard of fire training of its staff; undertake overall responsibility for fire training; assist in the investigation of all fires in the Company & premises and to submit reports of such incidents.
Condemnation and Disposal of Equipment
29. Procedures for the, condemnation and disposal of equipment are determined by the Chief Executive. Managers introducing new equipment should have such equipment checked initially by the Safety Officer.
Food Hygiene
30. Those Managers who have responsibility for food acquisition, storage, processing and serving, and staff induction and hygiene training, are responsible for ensuring that these functions are undertaken to the necessary legal standards. Any suspected outbreak of food poisoning or other unexplained and possibly food related incidents must be reported to the Safety Officer.
31. Managers are responsible for informing staff of safe lifting techniques. The Safety Officer will identify specific training needs and ensure training in lifting and handling is provided to staff who require it.
32. Dr.PAWPAW policy is that there will be no smoking in its buildings. The overall aim is to reduce smoking and so save life, reduce risk of fire, prevent unnecessary illness and chronic disability. The rules relating to smoking on Company premises are available from Head Office. These rules also extend to e-cigarettes / vaping.
33. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) require the Company to identify those substances which are in use and which are hazardous to health (as legally defined) and to assess the risk of those substances. The Company must also provide and use controls to prevent exposure to substances hazardous to health; maintain controls by monitoring exposure, or by health surveillance of employees; and provide information, instruction and training for employees on all these matters. The Safety Officer is responsible for implementing these Regulations.
34. All new computer installations must adhere to the British Standard Specifications and comply with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992. All new employees operating such equipment are expected to read the Health and Safety Executive guidance entitled 'Working with Display Screen Equipment & New employees who regularly use VDUs will be required to undergo sight screening.
35. Dr.PAWPAW is committed to the principles of the Working Time Regulations. No member of staff is expected to work more than 48 hours per week (including overtime) unless there are exceptional circumstances. Similarly all other requirements of the regulations e.g. in relation to breaks, night workers etc. will be complied with.
36. The Health and Safety at Work Act requires each employee & to take reasonable care for theHealth and Safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by their acts and Commissions & and cooperate with management to enable management to carry out their responsibilities under the Act. Employees have equal responsibility with the Company for Health and Safety at Work.
37. The refusal of any employee to meet their obligations will be regarded as a matter to be dealt with under the Disciplinary Procedure. In normal circumstances counselling of the employee should be sufficient. With a continuing problem, or where an employee leaves themself or other employees open to risk or injury, it may be necessary to implement the formal stages of the Disciplinary Procedure.
38. Persons working in Dr.PAWPAW premises who are employed by other organisations are expected to follow Company Health and Safety Policies with regard to the safety of Company employees, their own personal safety (and that of other parties such as the general public if appropriate) and their method of work. This responsibility will be included in contracts or working arrangements.
Visitors and Members of the Public
39. The Company wishes to ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of visitors to Company establishments will be of the highest standard.
40. Any member of staff who notices persons acting in a way which would endanger other staff, should normally inform their Head of Department. If the danger is immediate, common sense must be used to give warning, call for assistance or give aid as necessary. It is equally important not to overreact to a situation.
41. The Company wishes to ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of Contractors working in the Company& establishments will be of the highest standards. In addition, Contractors and their employees have an obligation so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure all equipment, materials and premises under their control are safe and without risks to health.
42. Contractors must also observe the Company & Fire Safety Procedures. These obligations will be drawn to the attention of the Contractors in the contract document issued to them. In addition a Company Manager will be identified in the contract as having authority to stop the work of Contractors who are placing themselves, other staff, or visitors at risk. Any member of staff who judges there is a risk where contractors are working, should inform their Manager immediately.
43. In tendering, Contractors will be asked to confirm they have a written Health, Safety and Welfare Policy. The Company & Manager letting the Contract will be responsible for monitoring the Health and Safety performance of the Contractor and the Contractor& performance will be a factor in deciding whether or not to invite the Contractor to tender Again.